Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday the 13th...not all bad

I knew today was going to be a tough day, but wow....I had no idea!!

I get up this morning in absolute dread of the day. We are hosting a family reunion this weekend at my house....(why didn't someone tell me this was NOT a good idea?) So I got up knowing that my day was going to be flooded with cleaning and cooking and all the general going's on of a slacker housewife getting ready for a big event! I had so much to do and 3 kids in the house that I had to work around...YIKES! By 8am I was ready to call in the National Guard for assistance!! SO NOT kidding about that! We made it thru the afternoon and THEN....the family started arriving....insert shrieking, horror movie music here! My Grandma was the first to arrive....BAD MOOD and all....from there as they trickled in her mood only got worse. Now, I love my grandma, but you don't know bad mood like grandma's bad mood! It sucks the life blood right out of you!....and everyone else in the room. Today her reason for the mood...she was tired!! WHAAAA! I didn't get to bed until almost 1am and was back up at 5:30am!!! She goes to bed at 8pm and sleeps until 7am....I so WIN the tired argument today!

I won't go on with anymore of the reunion drama for today, but be warned that they will be here for the WHOLE ENTIRE this may not be the end of it!

Now, to the best freakin' part of the whole day!! I got home tonight, got all the relatives tucked in and the kiddos too! I finally got to sneak away and check my email....there was a note....from the pubcalls team.....(i know....the suspense is killing me too!)

My "Santa Baby" layout was picked from their Basic Grey Manufacturer's challenge as the top dog....the holy cannolli....the #1 BEST OVERALL layout of the 136 entries!!! HELL YA!!! I'm on my way baby! AND....the best part is....I get $100.00 in BG goodies!! WHOOT WHOOT! Totally dancing around in my undies over that!!! I can only hope that it is one each of all the new stuff that I just got a peek at!!!

and....I am totally sending out a special "love ya bunches and bunches" to Michelle today...even though she was working today...she checked in with me via e-mail during all my drama and sent me butt loads of good JU JU....It worked M!!! Good thoughts!! Thanks babe!


Allison Cope said...

Congrats Angie! That TOTALLY RAWKS girl!!! Woohoo! $100 of BG is like heaven baby! Enjoy!!!

Michelle said...

You are on your way girlie ;0)
Thank you for the shout out, give a girl warm fuzzies. Hugs. m

Jenn :) said...

woohoo!! congrats are totally on a roll!!

Tanya said...

Well done.. this is so very cool!!!