Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Back to business

OK, OK, OK...I've been neglecting my blog a bit lately...guess I better get back on track.

I have a couple HUGE bits of news to share with you and this seems like the best place to get that out there!!

First...Last week I received notice that one of my layouts was selected to be published in the March issue of Scrapbook Trends Magazine!!! Totally made my day!!

THEN...I was just announced as one of the new Design Team members for SweetPea Scraps!!
That TOTALLY rocks!!!

So I guess you could say that things are good right now.

Life is about the same as always...pre-teen son drama's and 3 year old Daughter drama's...but that's nothing new.

I do have some other "stuff" brewing off in the distance, but nothing that I can get into right now....but it's good stuff....I hope!

The fam is good...busy with work and school and soccer and basketball....and soccer for the other one....crazy stuff I tell ya!!!

I'll be back later with some