Monday, July 30, 2007

Weekend rundown...

Here it is in a nut shell....the weekend!

On Saturday we went to my Neice's 8th birthday party! It was a pool party! The kids had a ball swimming. I swear they are part fish. Of course, a family birthday party is always interesting when it's my family. In attendance were my Mom, Grandma, Dad, Sister, and my Dad's newest might be a good time to mention that none of them really get along with each other!! yeah! you guessed it! GOOD TIMES. So Brian and I spent most of the afternoon focusing on the kids...oh, I forgot to mention that I finally got to meet my sisters boyfriend for the first time....the one that she has been dating for over a year....and that she can't marry of move in with cause she is still married to her husband....oh yeah!! AND...his loud mouth sister, who happens to be my sisters friend (that I have met before) was there too! I can't stand the site of her. She give the term "poor white trash" an entirely new meaning! UGH! She just goes thru me like a hot knife! But....the kids had a ball and my neice seemed to really love all her I guess it was a success!

Sunday my wonderful hubby let me sleep in....until 9am!! That just never happens in this house anymore. For us, sleeping in has turned into 7am...tops. We putzed around the house most of the day. I got some scrappin done, alittle picking up, and got my groceries put away too.
We went for a power walk in the evening around the pond (they actually refer to it as "the lake" but I can just about throw a rock acrossed it...where I come from, that makes it a pond). All in all a pretty quite day...just the way I like it.

I do have one funny to share though...

Brian ran to the book store so I took advantage of the chance to get some scrappin done. I was in my room and my cell phone was Brian. I said hello...nothing....I said HELLO...still nothing. I can hear him talking and alot of rustling, but I can't make out what he is saying....I say again...HEELLLLOO!! Nothing still! So now I am totally thinking he has been kidnapped and forced into the truck of a car...that I am the only person that can save him on his last attempt to contact someone before the kidnappers realize he has a cellphone...I can picture him in the trunk of a car fumbling with hands tied together to speed dial my number...AND I can't make out what he is saying to save him!!! (yep, I know....dramatic, but that is the way my head works) So know I say...with a bit of panic....HONEY...HELLO...can you hear me....HONEY!!!

then.....I hear....with laughter in his voice....hello!!! I say.....ARE YOU OK?? he says...well yeah, I'm fine! I say....well why did you call me and then not say which he says...I didn't call you....I was standing here at the lumber yard and I kept hearing someone say hello...HELLLO! Then I realized it was my shorts!!! and there you were.

So the long and the "short" of the story. Somehow, he called me from his shorts without knowing it! Note to self....if I find myself in the same situation again, make sure to ask if this is the shorts calling....before I call 911 to report a kidnapping..LOL!! (I so know that this may not be funny to YOU...but I laughed about it for the rest of the day).

Happy Monday Morning to you all.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Reclaiming my space...

These last few days I have really been missing my online Scrapbook community that I was apart of. I took some time away from it due some drama that was going on that really had nothing to do with me. I needed to remove myself from the situation and refocus on why I enjoyed belonging to the community. I even tried to go to another community to fill the void.'s the thing. I am struggling to get back in there and reconnect with people. Why? I wish I knew. I get on...look around...and get right back off. I don't know....maybe I feel alittle jilted by it all....maybe I am resenting the fact that I was "the bad guy" for trying to put an end to the drama.....who the hell knows what it is....It's probably ME....overthinking everything. All I know is, I am practically forcing myself back, and it's no fun.

I miss the inspiration, and I miss sharing the joy and excitement of other scrappers. This was my place that I went to last fall when my life seemed to be falling apart, and it offered me so much "life" . It's the place that brought me to my BFF..M (who funny enough, was so close to my life, and I didn't even know it). I met some many wonderful girls, that touched my life in so many ways. I found a wealth of support and knowledge from people, and it renewed a drive in me to reach for my goals alittle harder!

Anyway....I guess my point is, I feel like maybe I have let others influence my life...AGAIN!! This seems to be my problem...I let people get in the way of me making my own choices...UGH! I thought I was SO over this! Guess not. So, today I am going to get back in the game...whether I like it or not. I'm getting in there, becoming active, and reclaiming my space in the community! Those that are my friends will understand....those that aren't....well, we'll just leave that alone! (side note - this is not meant to sound so dramatic. When I reread does sound alittle on that side....but really it is just a bit of a ramble!) OK....deep breathe....MOVING ON!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

the perfect spot...

Today the family decided that it was just to beautiful of a day to stay at home. So we ventured out...picnic basket and camera in hand...the Moraine View State Park. It is only about 20 minutes from our house, but we have never taken our kids there! My hubby and I both had gone as kids, but hadn't been back there in yearrrrs! They have hiking trails, horseback riding, swimming, boats rentals, fishing....all kinds of stuff! So we spent the better part of the day hiking the trails and playing on the play ground with the kids. It was such a great day! As the day wound down, we were all hungry and thirsty so we started looking for the best place to have a picnic. We stopped at a couple of spots but they just weren't right! As we drove along we found the perfect little spot right on the lake...there was one picnic table under a great big tree right next to the lake....Seriously Perfect. So....we get out of the van...start walking over to the
table and THIS is the sign marking the spot!! How perfect is that...and how weird that NONE of us saw it until we had deemed this area as THE spot!! It was just meant to be!!
We were suppose to venture out, hike, play, laugh and spend time together as a family...and finish the day here....having a picnic, watching the sun set over the lake....perfect!!

For anyone that may read this and saw YAH!! SO!! I don't get it!! Our last name is Huonker....which is actually pronounced "honker" you see...this is our spot, our perfect little picnic spot by the lake!

Today made me know that the simple things really are the things that mean the most!
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Thursday, July 19, 2007


Bloggity, blog, blog, BLAH!!!! Has my life become so uneventful that I have nothing to blog about?? I have been wanting to blog for the last few days, but there is nothing going on that seems blog worthy...know what I mean. It's not that millions read my blog or anything....I'm not letting anyone down if I don't have a fantastic just seems that the mundane life of a housewife has gotten the best of me. I could go on about all the housework I've been doing, or the trip to the grocery....maybe even a little tid-bit about something my kids have done....but let's face it....We are not all that exciting! So....we'll just call it a good week and be done with it!

Maybe tomorrow something interesting will happen!! Here's hoping!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday the 13th...not all bad

I knew today was going to be a tough day, but wow....I had no idea!!

I get up this morning in absolute dread of the day. We are hosting a family reunion this weekend at my house....(why didn't someone tell me this was NOT a good idea?) So I got up knowing that my day was going to be flooded with cleaning and cooking and all the general going's on of a slacker housewife getting ready for a big event! I had so much to do and 3 kids in the house that I had to work around...YIKES! By 8am I was ready to call in the National Guard for assistance!! SO NOT kidding about that! We made it thru the afternoon and THEN....the family started arriving....insert shrieking, horror movie music here! My Grandma was the first to arrive....BAD MOOD and all....from there as they trickled in her mood only got worse. Now, I love my grandma, but you don't know bad mood like grandma's bad mood! It sucks the life blood right out of you!....and everyone else in the room. Today her reason for the mood...she was tired!! WHAAAA! I didn't get to bed until almost 1am and was back up at 5:30am!!! She goes to bed at 8pm and sleeps until 7am....I so WIN the tired argument today!

I won't go on with anymore of the reunion drama for today, but be warned that they will be here for the WHOLE ENTIRE this may not be the end of it!

Now, to the best freakin' part of the whole day!! I got home tonight, got all the relatives tucked in and the kiddos too! I finally got to sneak away and check my email....there was a note....from the pubcalls team.....(i know....the suspense is killing me too!)

My "Santa Baby" layout was picked from their Basic Grey Manufacturer's challenge as the top dog....the holy cannolli....the #1 BEST OVERALL layout of the 136 entries!!! HELL YA!!! I'm on my way baby! AND....the best part is....I get $100.00 in BG goodies!! WHOOT WHOOT! Totally dancing around in my undies over that!!! I can only hope that it is one each of all the new stuff that I just got a peek at!!!

and....I am totally sending out a special "love ya bunches and bunches" to Michelle today...even though she was working today...she checked in with me via e-mail during all my drama and sent me butt loads of good JU JU....It worked M!!! Good thoughts!! Thanks babe!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Whole lotta' nothin' goin' on...

Well...I seem to have been at a loss the last few days when it comes to my, in my best LIST fashion here is a rundown of what's been going on.

Friday - spent to whole day at home, planning to go scrappin with Michelle, cleaning, and doing some laundry. Took the kids to the pool in the evening.

Saturday - spent the day with Michelle, shopping at 2 LSS's, then stayin' at the doodle to crop for a few hours. Had such a blast, laughing, talking, shopping, and scrappin'....GOOD TIMES!

Sunday - Slept in with my hubby (well, 8am is sleeping in for us). Stayed home, hung out with the family, worked on my circle journal, caught up on some TV...just your standard Sunday at home.

Monday - STILL working on my circle journal (it has to mail out today). Took some fun shoe pictures for my CJ. Talked to m for awhile. Took the whole dang morning to set up as the new moderator of my CJ group...YIKES! All is well now though.

Today I MUST get my CJ finished and in the mail....ugh! I have a family reunion this weekend and it has turned into a cookout at my house on Saturday....for about 25-30 people...not to bad, but that means I now have to scrub my house down only for it to get trashed by the masses on Saturday! YUCK! There should be some ettiquete rule that when you are going to have a house full of people you don't clean until AFTER they leave!! Don't ya think??

It's suppose to rain today, and I am broke so I guess we will stay in and do laundry...I am ALWAYS doing laundry....double UGH!! Other then that there is nothing on the calendar this week. I do have a WW meeting on Thursday so I get to see Michelle, and my boys are going with the g'parents tomorrow to Springfield for the day....but, Lily will be here, so no luck having a day all to myself. Plain ole' boring week.

Maybe I will get my camera out and take some pic's so I'll have something interesting to post!!

Friday, July 6, 2007

The 4th

Seems like lately I've been on a bit of a picture posting roll. Just seems like that is the best, and easiest way to share a little piece of life with you. You can descibe stuff, but being able to see into someone else's life always amazes me. I love to see how others see things, and how they live. Guess I am a bit of a voyeur. Anyway...

I took a bunch of pic's at the fireworks and these are a few that I find myself continuing to go back to...I LOVE the color and the motion that they have.

I was reading the blog of a wise woman this morning who was talking about how patiotic the 4th made her feel...I have to say...ME TOO! I have struggled with this war since the beginning...not going to go all political or anything....just a personal mental struggle. One thing however that I DO NOT struggle with is the need to support our country and our military...reguardless of my own beliefs or feelings. I come from a long line of veterans, my grandfather and my father...married a soldier...and am the mother of a boy with a strong drive to become a soldier. I have been fortunate in that my DH narrowly missed being called up during The Gulf War...and I can only hope that my son will have the same fate.

These men and women that ARE fighting for our freedom and safety need all the support that you have to give! They are taking time from their lives to fight for at home...all comfy and safe. They are missing their own children growing each that our children will have the same future that we've been given. The sacrifice's that they are making are unbelievable.

I know I'm kinda rambly...I guess my point we sat during the 4th and safely watched the fireworks...celebrating our freedom. At the very same time our soldiers are over...fighting for continued freedom...but the fireworks that they were watching...could kill them. I just want to make sure that I am doing my support them...are you??
WOW....that may seem alittle soap-boxy....didn't mean for it to. I just get frustrated at people who forget about the solidiers...and what they are sacrificing.

Alrighty...done for the day...please just get a yellow ribbon, a sign to put out, a flag, send a care package...something to let them know that they are thought of...and that you care!
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Thursday, July 5, 2007

St Louis Arch

Monday we spent the day at the St Louis Arch with the kiddos. They had a ball. We went to the top....which was a giant step for my poor hubby! He is not a fan of heights...AT ALL! But, being the dad, he had to go up there with me and the kids to show them that it was alright to do. Woohoo for Brian...major fear tackled....whether he wanted to or not! LOL!
I took a few pic's at the arch, but tried to get my own take on the event. The first pic I took standing right against it looking up...the second shot I laid down in the shadow of the arch and took a pic straight up. I think they both look pretty cool.

While we were down at the river, we also took the paddleboat cruise on the Mississippi. The boys had a blast out on the boat....but poor Lily fell asleep on Brian's shoulder. It had been a long couple of days for her with NO NAPS! But bless her little heart, she was such a good girl! We ate lunch on the river too! The kids thought it was cool that we were floating on the water while we ate...not sure why, but whatever makes them happy. We hit the road late in the afternoon and headed home. We all had such a great time, and can't wait to take our next mini-vacation roadtrip!

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Day at the Zoo

So I've not been very diligent about keeping up on my blog for the last week, but I really have been busy. I've got tons of things to share, but I will have to save some of them for another day.....or this blog will go on forever!
We decided to take the kids on a long weekend trip to St Louis. I have wanted to take them to the Zoo forever, and this seemed like the perfect time to get there. So off we went. The day was perfect. It was cloudy, so the sun wasn't blazing on us. It was only about 82 and there was a nice breeze. The perfect weather to be outside ALL DAY LONG!

This Rhino is my favorite pic from the whole day....he just laid there with his eyes open....
You just felt like he was saying...."seriously" QUIT STARRING at me! Not sure why this amused me so much, but it did. We passed
him several more times throughout the day,
and he was always still in the same spot..eyes
still open!! Poor Rhino.

Here is another pic for the Huonker family album! Of course
Brian jumped right in there like a champ. Anytime he gets to
act like a nut....he jumps at it! You can see that Levi was NOT
EVEN amused about being an otter...after this shot, I told him
that I was going to take his picture every 5 minutes the rest of
the day if he didn't start smiling!! After that, he smiled now
and then....I think just to throw me a bone.

We really did have a great time. The kids were soooooo GOOD!
They all seemed to enjoy everything about the day. We went to
the Sea Lion show, which was super fun. Lily cracked up....we
were in the front row and the sea lions came right out to the front. She could reach out and touch them....she was totally amazed at the tricks they could do!

After a very long day, we packed it in and headed to the Hotel for some much needed rest and relaxation. We hit the White Castle on the way....can you say YUMMY!!! We don't have those around home, so we have to stop atleast once when we travel! After a quick bite the kids
hit the pool for an hour. I even suited up to dive in with them....until I felt how cold the water was....seriously the coldest pool I have EVER felt! The kids were blue by the time they were done....not me!! I was toasty warm by the poolside! We got back to the room, cleaned up and hit the sack by 9pm.....ready to start another day fresh!

I'll catch up with the next day's adventure soon!! Gotta run for now!

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