Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Back to business

OK, OK, OK...I've been neglecting my blog a bit lately...guess I better get back on track.

I have a couple HUGE bits of news to share with you and this seems like the best place to get that out there!!

First...Last week I received notice that one of my layouts was selected to be published in the March issue of Scrapbook Trends Magazine!!! Totally made my day!!

THEN...I was just announced as one of the new Design Team members for SweetPea Scraps!!
That TOTALLY rocks!!!

So I guess you could say that things are good right now.

Life is about the same as always...pre-teen son drama's and 3 year old Daughter drama's...but that's nothing new.

I do have some other "stuff" brewing off in the distance, but nothing that I can get into right now....but it's good stuff....I hope!

The fam is good...busy with work and school and soccer and basketball....and soccer for the other one....crazy stuff I tell ya!!!

I'll be back later with some

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

can't get my groove back...

What is it lately with me and my ability to get online....I just can't seem to get on and do what I need to be doing. I even said a dew weeks back that I was going to change this and get back into the swing of things...nope!!! didn't happen. How can one thing upset the balance of my day so much...I just dread it. Anyway...this was just in my head today...I was trying to touch base with some people and found myself sitting here at the computer....not wanting to log in to a few places....bleck!! Little steps I guess!!! Hopefully I will get back to some of my favorite places!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

How many times...

OK...twice in one day...what can I say. This is blog worthy.
The conversation went alittle
like this...

Me - Lily what would you like to
have for lunch today?

Lily - Mac n cheese and a hot dog.

Me - Do you want one hot dog...or

Lily - TWO!! Not cut up mom...
leave them big.

Me - OK...two it is.

**pause for cooking time** While
paused...I realize that I really don't
want to give her the hot dog whole.
She eats a bit like a caged animal and the whole choking thing is a
very big possibilty!!

Me - Lily come eat your lunch.

Lily - OK, mom....Were's my hot dogs?

Me - They are coming in just a patient!

Lily - UGH!!

Me - Here ya might want to eat your hot dog first...your mac n cheese is still
pretty hot. (as I turn back to the sink...this is what I hear)

NOT TO CUT MY HOT DOGS...I WANT THEM BIG! (I turn around and look at her, and
before I can say anything...i get this) MOM!!! REALLY....HOW MANY TIMES!!!!

Seriously!! If she is like this at 3...what in the world am I going to do in another 10 years??

Needless to say....she ate the cut up hot dog...but complained the whole time!

**the pic is from her first day of school. I felt like I should have pinned some type of warning
for the teacher to her shirt...I hope they know what they have gotten themselves into with
this little monkey!
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Fouled out...

So Lately....


I have been foul for about a week now....yesterday I decided it was time to get over it....and get on with it. It wasn't an outwardly foul mood...which is a triumph in its self! It was more of an internal foulness...I have been lecturing myself (in my head) and I've been down on myself (again, in my head)....just a personal funk! Not losing the weight I should be these past weeks...Not getting the QUITE time I really needed now that all the kiddos are in school...missing my hubby on a daily basis lately (he started teaching a class on top of his day job AND his freelance business). Just a little post summer drama moment for me I guess. BUT the hubby and I took some time last weekend just for us...It was SOOO nice. We just wandered all day...took some pic's...did alittle shopping...had a nice dinner OUT. We really needed that...or atleast I did anyway. I am happy that the kids are back in school...but for some reason I haven't really noticed a difference in the house yet...I keep waiting for that moment...the one where you suddenly realize that the only noise in the house is the noise that you are making....yeah...that noise!! So far...hasn't happened yet. This has had me down a bit....go figure! Maybe today will be the day...we'll see. As far as the whole weight thing....I am still doing REALLY good (down 30lbs) BUT...or maybe that should be BUTT...These last few weeks...I have not been doing what I should be...I would love to be able to say...I am doing everything right....I am making the right choices....I am moving everyday....blah, blah, know the drill. But the fact is I have not been doing ANY of least not well! So yesterday...I was up 1 lb (AGAIN) and I made up my mind to suck it up and GET OVER myself!!!!

So hear I am this morning...trying to get back (nope, not trying...DOING) to my routine...First stop was once again trying to get back to my blog....not sure what's up with me (or maybe I do) but I am having a hell of a time lately meeting all my online commitments....Gotta fix that! I have a ton of new layouts to submit or post...and I finally have some more pictures to work with. I am feeling like today I might just scrap the day away!! and tomorrow too!

sorry for the longest paragraph ever....I have a tendancy to just type what's in my head and not pay attention to proper!

So long for today...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Playing Catch Up

ahhh....lots to catch up on...rather then overwhelm you with a bunch of stuff right now this very minute....I'll try to catch you up in little bits thru the week.

First...took a crazy, impromtu trip to CKC in Tulsa over the weekend. I had a girlfriend in dire need of some help....and I happened to be available. Looking was a good trip. Her classes went very well and everyone seemed to really enjoy them. Actually getting to that was a whole nother story. We were suppose to leave Bloomington, fly to to Tulsa...arriving about 10pm. Easy enough!! NOPE!!! We ended up staying in Bloomington about 4 hours longer then we were suppose to...our flight in and out of Chicago was cancelled...booked another flight to Atlanta...then Tulsa....those....they were delayed!! We ended up barely making our flight out of Atlanta to Tulsa...arrived in Tulsa about 3 am....and were up and smiling by 9am teaching a couple hundred woman to Mod podge!! Craziness!!!

The boys are back to school all week this week....I am welcoming the calm in my house...the girlie...well, she starts preschool next week....hmmm!! 5 hours a week....all to myself...what will a girl do with all that time! Seriously...I won't even know where to start!

Brian started teaching his night class...on top of his regular job...AND....his freelance job. Of course he teaches on Monday and Wednesday....GUESS which nights Logan has soccer.....yep...that was a toughy..right. Monday...and Wednesday!! Doesn't it just figure! So any thought that I may have entertained about having a life on those days....nope...shot right out the window. But soccer does make the evening go bye faster with Brian being gone...that part of it is OK with me.

OK....I should go...gotta get the boy ready for soccer practice and do spelling words before we go. Remind me tomorrow to share a little about JR High....and the lunch program! It's a doozy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


TODAY....was the first day of school!!! I can't tell you how excited I was to see those two boys...backpacks in hand...walk out that front door!! TODAY...I get my normal mom life normal as it can be anyway!

Don't get me wrong...I LOVE my boys...I love spending time with them...BUT, I am also an advocate of year around schooling!! There is such an age difference with my kids that after a certain amount of one gets along with anyone...they are all in such different places right now...the conflict between them can get intense.

Anyway, we survived the summer and they are all back in school, doing their own thing, with their own friends, and there is a new calm that has been restored in our house!!

In other news...I am taking an improptu trip to the CKC in Tulsa, Oklahoma tomorrow...not exactly what I had planned, but I have a girlfriend that was in desperate need of some AM GOING to Tulsa!! Never been to Oklahoma before...not sure how to dress...what to know...the normal, travel to a new place kinda thing. But, I know it will be a fun time...hoping to see some of the new stuff that's out while i'm there. I'll be back sometime on Sunday.

I guess that's enough blabbin' for the night...guess I'll catch ya up on Sunday when I get back!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Today, outside....


Today, me...


Today, to do


